Winter’s Coming: Moving Companies Can Boost Sales Year-Round With These Lead Tips

There are a lot of bad leads out there. If you’ve been feeling underwhelmed by the internet leads and online advertising responses you’re getting, you’re not alone. Over 14,000 businesses make up the US moving industry and each one depends on leads that turn prospective customers into business. So, how do you get the good ones?

40-60% of your response rate depends on reaching the right people. In a perfect world your advertising only shows up for those who want to buy what you’re selling. In reality, it’s an art and process to connect with those targets. With great leads, you’re more than half way there.

All leads are not created equal

The majority of lead providers in the industry (especially online leads) have a low threshold for quality. Before you belly up and pay for those target lists, there are a few things you should ask.

  • Where did they get their leads? For example: If they’re pulling data from “self-serve” moving websites, most of those contacts are a complete dead end for pro movers.
  • Are they filtering out empty leads (bank owned properties, duplicates, etc)?
  • How fresh are those leads? They should be a week old or less.
  • Do other movers like the results? Ask for references.
  • Can they identify high value leads and increase the odds of bigger jobs?

If the service can’t answer these questions and show how they deliver high value target customers in your area, then you’re throwing money away. Ask questions and vett the lead service provider. Remember, garbage in = garbage out.

Marketing channels affect your lead value

There is no advertising silver bullet. Finding the right marketing mix for movers requires testing. Brian Long the President of, an industry veteran in targeted leads and mover marketing, had this to say about what they’ve found works best.

“It all starts with great leads, but how you get information in people’s hands is also important. We’ve learned that postcards outperform online channels and get our moving clients the best jobs. Since over 94% of our customers are happy and stay with us, we know we’re doing something right!”

Brian went on to say that he recommends movers use several marketing channels like email marketing, direct mail, and online ads. In fact, mixing things up can help overall sales: a BrandScience Research study showed that when direct mail was added to campaigns, online marketing paid back 62% more!

Remember your sales runway is short. Once you have those leads, don’t let them get cold! With today’s technology and resources you can reach leads right when they need you. Increase your odds of sale by connecting with prospects in the first week they list a home for sale. Remember, you can follow up multiple times in the months after they list a property (but don’t spam them).

AD TIP: Retargeting is your friend. Movers should be retargeting visitors to their website. Every guest to your site is a highly relevant sales opportunity. Don’t miss them.

Do a little service provider homework and you’ll be thankful for the better leads it gets you. Then test those leads and different marketing channels to nail down the best mix to boost your returns. You’ll have better sales and keep building that business year-round.