How Will the Housing Market Affect the U.S. Economy in 2014?

Many experts predict that the U.S. economy is overdue for a major correction. What this means to the average U.S. citizen is that tough times could be ahead. Fortunately, for the educated investor, tough times do not necessarily mean trouble. In fact, some of the best investments are often made when markets are at their most vulnerable.

Since a major collapse in 2008, the real estate market has begun recovering, but there are still many areas throughout the U.S. that are vulnerable. Like the old adage suggests, “Buy low and sell high.” So, with a weakened housing market, many investors are still able to find means of making money.

Big Investment Companies

There are many large and smaller investment companies out there with a policy that points to the housing market as still being weak. West Rock, for example, has a policy that recommends that “In light of the recent financial crisis, there are fewer big players on the market, leaving a better climate for remaining players.”1 In addition to this observation, West Rock’s executives also point out that the best place to find opportunity is by “looking for properties where sellers are seeking distressed exits.”2

Overall, leaders at companies such as West-Rock  seem to think that the time is still ripe for investing in real estate, and those who do so can find great reward. Westrock is not the only company whose policy shares this sentiment.

Millionaires Like Real Estate

Though the average citizen may still be in fear of real estate as an investment, data shows that those with wealth often find a lot of benefit from investing in real estate. In fact, a recent study showed that 77 per cent of those people with at least $1 million in assets have real estate investments.3 This figure shows that those with money are looking at real estate as a way of the future and a great investment.

Overall, the market may still be struggling, but the housing situation will open up opportunity for those willing and able to take it. In 2008, the housing market was a major player in the crash of the U.S. economy; however, in 2014, we find housing as the beginning phase of a recovery. For those who can get on board within the next year or so, the rewards should be greater than they have been in quite some time. Even if you are just looking to buy a new home, now could be the best time to get moving.