
Ways to Get More Followers on Pinterest

Pinterest-corkSure there are a million posts that talk about how to get more followers on social networks, although I have not seen many that are specifically refer to a visual platform like Pinterest. In any case, very few who try to explain in a simple way (we can all understand) and also with clear and real examples.

When we refer to achieve increase the number of followers of our profile on Pinterest, the first thing to understand is that this is not achieved from one day to another or from one month to another. For a strategy Pinterest, which pursues a specific objective and which in turn can be captivating enough to make people notice us or our brand and follow us, is not an easy or short term work (before all, have patience and perseverance).

So I would like to share with you some “examples real ” part of my personal strategy options , surely you can give some clues on how to improve or adapt yours to try to increase the number of followers in this network, without neglecting your personal or business goals. For your product and business promotion buy Pinterest followers could be a great one for getting quick result.

How have I managed to naturally increase the number of followers on Pinterest my profile? # Infographic

Complete design improves Profile

This is a no brainier, but why no longer part of each article I write about social networks. Having a profile of Pinterest incomplete or poorly designed, it may be the reason why many people do not follow us. I tell you that there is a tool sought to pins that users can use to find and share your content without having the slightest need to follow you on Pinterest. Why it’s so important to have a well designed and complete profile also catches their attention, obviously linked to your website or blog. In the same way that Twitter does not follow an egg, either people will follow on Pinterest if your personal information is unclear and / or your board does not have a certain order and some creativity in their names.

Generates own quality content (to share your Pinterest)

This is one of the main points, if not the most important, when trying to attract more followers to your Pinterest profile. It is said that in this network +/- 70% of the pins are repins content from other users. That is, if you or your company are generating own content and quality (photos, infographics, videos, etc.) is very probable that they will get a great virality, thus achieving greater visibility and increasing the chance of getting more followers on Pinterest. In my blog, +/- 7 months ago I started using my post infographics created by me, this has marked a before and after in my presence on Pinterest (tripling the average monthly followers to join my profile, already has more than 20,000 ).

Add a widget and Pinterest buttons on your website / blog

Make sure you have between your social buttons one of Pinterest, both in the homepage of your website as some pages (or have a lot of traffic) . Besides, there’s something in my case is giving me many results, you can include in your blog widget Pinterest where your readers can see the latest pins to your profile on Pinterest and all activity in it perform (obviously offering ability to follow). It is true, believe that these Pin-it buttons and Track and above all, “the widget” will lead to more people your profile, getting more followers on Pinterest.

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