
Telescopic Handler Training – Are Official Courses Worth Taking?

When training for any given task is optional, it’s understandable that some would question whether or not it’s worth bothering with. The general unspoken consensus seems to be that unless you have to do it by law; you really don’t have to worry too much about it. Sadly though, this is exactly the kind of attitude that breeds careless decision making and can be something of a recipe for disaster.

Take the telescopic handler for example – a gigantic and highly-powerful piece of plant machinery used on construction sites up and down the UK. They’re a crucially important link in the construction chain and can be invaluable to any build, but despite their complexity do not in fact require any formal certification of qualifications to drive. Because of this, they are often approached in a manner wherein those looking to operate a telescopic handler assume their own driving license will be more than sufficient.

In reality though, anyone with an interest in this line of work should view training as a mandatory requirement as opposed to an optional addition.

Here’s a quick rundown of why:

Training Breeds Safer Drivers

The first and most obvious argument of all is of course the way in which proper telescopic handler training from a reputable provider breeds inherently safer drivers. The reason being that if you go it alone, no matter how long you stick with it you may find yourself falling in bad habits…maybe even a few dangerous habits. With training on the other hand you start out with the best advice in the business and only get better from there.

Trained Workers Are Better Workers

Putting health and safety to one side for a moment, it’s also worth remembering that training inherently breeds better workers on the whole. Ideal telescopic handler operation is all about efficiency, which means neither rushing to get the job done nor taking forever to achieve any results. There’s an optimal level of efficiency that all telescopic handler operators should be gunning for and the only way to reach it is with the appropriate training.

Trained Drivers Climb the Ladder Faster

Not literally of course, but in terms of career opportunities there’s so much to be said for recognised training. Despite the fact that training isn’t mandatory across the UK yet doesn’t mean that most reputable building companies will not even give you a second thought unless you have been through the necessary training. It’s a bit like having a foot in the door and a head start on everyone else looking to progress.

It’s a Good Networking Experience

If telescopic handler operation is your thing, there’s no better opportunity to meet others that share your interests and work in the same industry. You’ll make friends and build a strong network of contacts that could prove to be invaluable for your career going forward.

It’s Affordable and Accessible

These days, the sheer number of authorities offering telescopic handler training across the UK has made it so that competition is more furious than ever before. And the more competitive anything like this becomes, the lower prices plummet as a result. In the case of telescopic handler training, it’s now possible to find a course no matter where you might be in the UK and in the majority of instances it takes little to no time to go through each element and become certified. It’s affordable, it’s accessible and there’s really no reason not to give it a try – especially if you’re planning a career in construction.

You’ll Stand Out From the Crowd

There may be thousands of people across the UK that know how to work a telescopic handler, but at the same time the number of those that are fully certified is much, much smaller. As such, there’s really no better way to stand out from the crowd and immediately single yourself out as a telescopic handler operator of both responsibility and good sense. Experience counts in this industry, but so too does the piece of paper that sets you apart from everyone else.

Soon Enough, You’ll Need It

Last but not least, it really only is a matter of time until every construction site across the UK is required by law to use only fully trained and certified telescopic handler drivers. When this will happen is the subject of some debate, but those working at the highest levels in the industry fully believe that it will happen sooner rather than later. As such, there’s really no good reason for not getting a head start before everyone else and to invest in an affordable training course.



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