
Principles to get Twitter followers

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When you create your account on Twitter, the first problem you have to solve is to build an audience for that tweet, ie get followers who are interested in your content.

This raises the typical problem of the chicken or the egg :

How noses to get new followers if I have nobody who reads my tweets?

Initially seems a problem between very difficult and impossible to solve, but in reality, there are many formulas that can help you to resolve once and even within a few months to get hundreds of quality followers (people who actually reads what that tweet and interacts with you) without using “dirty tricks” as the art of follow / unfollow which both have been abused and is abused. The secret is, as always, to know a number of effective techniques and tricks. So today I present the first post how to get free Twitter followers in which we will lay the foundations to consider for your Twitter account has growth potential and growth of your followers will not remain stagnant.

7 basic principles for Followers on Twitter

The basic principles to make your Twitter account can grow can be summarized in one: do things right.

Twitter, like all other social networks , has its culture and its rules. To make your Twitter account work, which is essential to respect? Let’s see then what they are.

1. Relevant content and quality

This point is obvious, many people dedicated to tweet garbage and are surprised why after year fail or 100 followers. So insist again that people only interested in what adds value and not your garbage. Shit, better take her to landfill.

2. Define a thematic niche

This is another in topic whose importance can not fail to emphasize. Rinse well not to associate niche “narrow” (as certain other niches …), “narrow” in this context means above all defined. Technology can be your niche and yet, it is a huge field with an almost infinite theme, a good example of a well-defined niche, but to the very large, both thematically and hearing time.

Why is it so important? Because when someone follows you, it is because you have found something that interests you. The expectations of that person shall on that line and related issues if from there you start to find things scattered that have nothing to do with their interests almost certainly leave you to follow.

Therefore, if you have very definite line content is much easier than you are your faithful followers as they find what they need.

3. Create a good profile

This is business as usual. The image matters and much, this is something inherent in us, but according to the person, obviously there are very different degrees of sensitivity.

A profile with a presentation text and an image suggestive of some impact generates an immediate interest. If you get this effect, many people will see your timeline and if you like, will follow.

With a bit of will, is not at all difficult to make a good profile and believe me it’s worth the investment. To do this, nothing better to be inspired by our selection of original and beautiful designs of Twitter profiles .

4. Tweet much

In Twitter’s pretty unlikely that a follower see one of your tweet, except people who follow very few people. It is a simple matter of space and time and therefore most tweeters only have time to “catch” one small fraction of the tweets from the people that follow.

Therefore, tweet a lot (even repeat tweets at different times) simply increases the likelihood that you see and even moderately repeating there is no risk of being tiresome because it is really very difficult for a follower encounter a repeated tweet yours.

Finally, do not tweet much amount from the beginning, but absolutely no one even read your timeline. It may seem absurd, but it is not: make much sense because the quality of your timeline is one of the most important criteria that people (with discretion) be examined before deciding to follow. If empty, bad…

5. Interact

The most “authentic” you can do to get followers on Twitter is to interact with the people you follow and your followers, which are the essence for ever invented this network.

Interact on Twitter means retweeting others, include references to other accounts in your tweets, mark favorites and respond to target you.

A good answer to a person you follow can be a reason for that person or others who see the answer will follow you, three quarters of the same with retweets, especially if they add value (with some appreciation yours).

6. Exploiting the potential of hash tags

The hashtags are a great way to give more visibility to your tweets even if you have not a single follower thanks to Twitter searches. Find the most used hashtags for your subject line and use them regularly. It is also very interesting to do specific searches hashtags rankings in Google . Look well especially in the hashtags that are “trending topic” (see picture), if they match related topics with your timeline and you think of a tweet that contribution is a good chance that many people will see their search for that hashtag in .  You can purchase Twitter followers to increase your followers as well.

7. Leverage optimal times to tweet

A topic of much, but that much weight that many novice ignore this theme of optimal schedules for the tweets.

I have not measured “scientific” way differences impact on our own (one day have to do it …), but a rule of thumb would say that we may be talking easily a factor 3 or 4 in the CTR obtained. As you see, is no small feat theme.

The best times (in our case) are approximately three slots 8h-9h, 15h-16h and 23h to 24h.

Obviously it is “unnatural “tweet made ​​only at that hour, that’s not the logical and natural way to use Twitter. The logic is that you find something on the net worth, you give the tweet button and point.

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