
3 Tips To Finding A Good SEO Company

Nowadays, everyone and their dog seems to have an opinion on what should constitute SEO best practices. In the midst of all the cacophony of confusion, it can get hard to lose sight of what’s real and what’s not, reason why the following read is aimed at providing you with tips on how to find the most competent SEO companies in town. Ready?

  1. Walk the talk

You would be surprised to find out just how many SEO companies out here claim to be the best and even go as far as promising their clients the heavens while they themselves can’t even get there. Just because a company has hung up shingles proclaiming to be the best doesn’t mean they are. The proof however is in their ranking. Want to know whether a company is as experienced as they claim? Google their name and check out their ranking. Better yet, check out how many likes and shares they have; these are currently the best ways to gauge the authority and relevance of a site in today’s online world. A company that doesn’t appear anywhere on the first page of your search result and doesn’t even have any social media presence tells you that you need to keep on searching.

  1. Open communication

You might not know what SERP is or what off-page optimization is about, but this doesn’t mean you aren’t willing to learn, that is, unless you don’t want to. Point being, every SEO agent has an obligation to clearly explain the processes involved in a SEO campaign and further provide regular reports on the progress. Unfortunately, this is the part where most people make the mistake of just sitting pretty and watching from a distance. What you don’t know is that your ignorance coupled by your absence gives the agent ample time to employ black hat SEO strategies. In case you don’t know, such strategies will only work to produce results for a while after which Google will penalize your site. By that time, your SEO agent will be long gone and so will your money. Do not make yourself victim to such circumstances, avoid SEO companies that do not encourage open communication.

  1. Paying the price

SEO pricing varies according to a number of factors. While one SEO company may decide to charge on an hourly basis the other may offer services on contract. However, the problem comes in when you have to choose between a SEO company that charges rock bottom prices for their services and one that charges insane rates while promising impeccable results. Who do you go for? The answer is none. In the online world, one rule stands; if it’s too low or too high, then you’re probably getting scammed. The same applies to SEO companies. Those that charge extremely low prices are often covering up for low quality services and dubious methods of operation. On the other hand, those that charge extremely high rates for their services often use a big percentage of the revenue for their flashy adverts, which means you don’t get full value for your money after all.

There are countless SEO companies looking to provide you with the experience of a lifetime, use the above tips to find yourself one. If you need help, contact Cloud Nine Media site for a free advice.

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